This is a custom character sheet I made for my D&D 5e group. We play online, so paper character sheets can be more of a hassle when we have the power of the internet at our fingertips.
This character sheet has custom formulas built-in so that you enter in your character attributes once, and it auto calculates everything for you, including skill modifiers, saving throws, passive perception, and many more. Also includes formulas for calculating your character level, proficiency bonus, armor class, and others. Also includes a live updated HP field where the color changes based on how close to death your character is.
Click on the button above to view the template character sheet on Google Sheets. If you would like to use it or test it out, simple go to File > Make a copy… to add a copy of the template to your Google Drive. Once it’s copied, you can fill it in and edit it as you see fit if what I have doesn’t quite fit the bill.
Below is a snapshot example of a recent character of mine with a fully filled in first page. The cells with a light yellow background indicate that a formula was used to fill in that number.